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Secret to have beautiful hair

Bending, stretching, hair dye and hair often makes you become more dry fiber. Along with these hair care cosmetics, foods you eat also plays an important role.

Fish oil: Fish oil is a kind of material help thicken hair and stronger. The fish like mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids and increased moisture and helps thicken the scalp hair follicles.

Beef: Beef contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins to keep hair shiny and healthier. However, use of this meat will harm you. So should eat 1-2 meals in one week.

Walnuts: The fruit has the protein, fatty acids, omega-3, vitamin E and biotin. All are necessary for healthy hair first.

Brown rice: Brown rice contains zinc, an important type of hair do you healthy. In addition, whole-grain cereals are also good for your health and hair.

Beans: The kind of like black beans, chickpeas, lentils are rich in biotin. This type of vitamin helps your hair grow faster. If your hair is thin, cause you're missing biotin.

Carrots: Carrots contain vitamin A. Vitamin A little-known but just as sight is also effective to prevent hair loss.

Peanut butter: Peanut Butter also contains a lot of zinc. Eat accompanied it with bread, apples or celery.

Dairy Products: All dairy products, especially yogurt, contain a lot of calcium. It will help promote the length of the hair.

Avocados: The fruit is perfect if you want to do hair mask at home. The fruit provides more vitamin E to help moisturize the hair. Mash avocados, bananas and add one bit of olive oil, you will create one type of hair mask and cheap and efficiently

Read at: how to grow your hair faster

The attention to beautiful hair

The interior is floating and brighter things that your hair will be achieved if you choose these foods contain nutrients for the hair. The food is beneficial for healthy hair salon will also like how they impact on your body, only agencies such as the heart, the lungs will be provided with the best nutrients, then to hair .

For smoother hair
Pomegranate, Vietnam blueberries, raspberries, cherries and rich in polyphenols, can help smooth hair. Free radicals are a major cause of aging from the sun, air pollution and excessive abuse dryer will dry and damaged hair. The best way to take care of hair is complementary foods rich in polyphenols.
Polypheno are substances often found in dark colored fruits, has antioxidant properties help protect the body from the creation of free radicals in the body, incorporating additional types of fruit and vegetables to the may be the best way softens hair.

Hair growth
Normal hair grow slowly, only about 10 cm per year. If the amount of vitamin C in your body less than 75 mg in accordance with standard RDA can not grow hair faster. The body uses vitamin C to make collagen - a substance vital to the production of new hair cells. The amount of vitamin C in 1 cup red bell pepper is 95mg, 1 cup strawberries: 89 mg, 1 medium orange: 70mg, ½ grapefruit: 39mg. So the addition of vitamin C the body is relatively easy. See more at: how to grow your hair faster

Keep your hair from being split
Food from eggs, avocado, salmon helps no split ends hair. Biotin is very important for the growth of hair and nail cells, helping to limit hair loss. Please complement physical body Biotin 30 micrograms per day for a few split ends hair.
These types of foods contain biotin may include an egg: 13-25mg biotin, 1 avocado: 2-6 mcg, salmon 90g: 4-5 mcg of biotin.

Food thicken hair
Lean red meat, turkey, beans and oysters can help you have a hair thicker. The growth of hair consists of three phases: development phase, phase transitions and to rest. The development stage is the stage of decisive importance for the thickness of your hair. Protein, iron, zinc in lean red meat, turkey, beans and oysters are essential to provide antioxidant hair and promote hair growth. Hair specific requirements 46gr protein, iron and 8 mg zinc 18mg daily.

For more iridescent hair
Salmon, sardines, flaxseed oil, walnuts, can help shine. Omega-3 fatty acids make your heart healthy and can make your hair shine easily. American Heart Association that eating oily fish at least 2 times 1 week to help protect the heart and make the hair sheen.

Healthy hair

We should produce inflated to their hair without having to use expensive curling machine. In the evening, after shampooing, let's apply a little hair gel to create a simple type, while the braiding wet hair into a small bun and go to sleep with it. When I woke up, her hair loose hands, fingers to gently comb your hair sprayed hair care, as you have completed a slightly curly hair and thick as you like. We should remember not to comb the hair with a comb after removing the hair to avoid hair being ruffled.

Women who lacked confidence by dry hair fiber, argan oil is the remedy for damaged hair. For a smooth hair in the morning, before bed, you use hair care products composed of argan oil and then wrap hair in a silk scarf. Hair silk material will not be broken and argan oil will make hair more beautiful.

Let's forget the curling machine, we absolutely can make your straight hair becomes better looking curls gently. Once you have finished shampooing, towel hair until damp hair, then wrap hair into a loose bun and big hands. The next morning, when awake, you can untie and let loose natural hair. You will be surprised with beautiful curly hair around.

If you usually go to bed with loose hair, then you should now discard habits. Because the facts show that hair you will easily be twisted and tangled than to let loose. New habit is loose hand tie her hair before going to bed and when you wake up you will have beautiful hair.

If you often use machines such as curly hair, hair machine, dryer, abandon computing habits gradually with few movements prepared the night before. When washing your hair, comb your hair with a wide tooth comb. This way, the next morning, your hair will not tangle and ruffled, reducing the time to use the machine to do hair.

His hair is tousled disorder anxiety of many girls. The following tips can help you overcome the tousled hair very effectively: rub lotion onto damp hair, apply carefully roots, use a wide tooth comb and comb all strands of hair into a bun and go to sleep. In the morning, when the hair drop out, you will have a tangle-free hair.

Maybe we've heard the advice if hair 100 times will have long hair and gorgeous, but you will not need to do so, but let's apply the secret hair care simple. Additionally, brushing too many times a day can make the hair more susceptible to fracture. Simply massage the scalp with fingers before going to bed will make the hair grow out. Learn more at:

Make your hair grow faster

Similar to all other parts of the body, the hair can be beautiful from a balanced diet. With hair, maybe after a long time there are signs that we are adopting diets unreasonable. The nutrients that you add to the body to help strengthen the hair follicle - where each strand is born - and scalp surrounded it. Therefore, if the hair follicles and scalp, make sure you have healthy hair.

If you need a reasonable diet, rich in protein and balance for beautiful healthy hair, add the following foods.

Salmon. This fish is rich in vitamin D and protein, salmon contains large amounts of fatty acids - Omega 3, good nutrients to feed the hair that the body can not produce it. This accounts for about 3% acid composition of hair. Omega-3s are also found in the cell membrane on your scalp and natural oils in the scalp and hair to create always consistent moisture. Also you should know: You can also get useful fatty acids from fish such as herring, sardines, mackerel ...

Walnuts. This is the only type of particles provides significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids. They are also rich in biotin and vitamin E, helps protect cells against DNA. Body that biotin deficiency can lead to hair loss. This fruit is very good also copper, a mineral that helps keep the natural shine. Other options: Try to add walnut oil in salads or stir-fries instead of safflower or canola oil.

Oysters. Oysters provide a lot of zinc that the body is not enough can lead to loss of hair (including eyelashes), as well as make the scalp dry, flaked off. Zinc can also be added through cereals or whole-grain bread, but oysters also provide very high quality protein. You need to know the hair has about 97% protein. Without enough protein, your body can not replace the bristles or hair.

Yam. Sweet potatoes are a good source of antioxidant beta carotene, which the body will be converted to Vitamin A. In general, the harder cells function properly if the deficiency of Vitamin A. It also helps protect and production production of oils to help maintain your scalp. Vitamin A deficiency causes dry scalp, dandruff occurs.

Eggs. 4 foods that contain essential minerals including zinc, selenium, sulfur and iron. Iron is very important, supporting cells provide oxygen to the hair follicles. Iron deficiency is a major cause of hair loss, especially for women.

more at: hair grow faster

Easy to make beauty

The mask facial mask is often best to do manually with ingredients derived from nature. You can use the following materials to create their best masks for facials.

Lemon. Lemon offers a lot of vitamin C - an antioxidant is very efficient removal of melanin causes skin tanning, freckles. At the same time, natural lemon acid can also use whitening. So many cosmetics to skin whitening usually extracted from lemon. You just squeeze the lemon juice into a small cup and then use absorbent cotton or fingers rub lemon all over your face, neck or back. Hold the lemon juice on the face for 15-20 minutes then rinse with cold water. To more effectively you can use lemon juice overnight and washed the next day.

Fresh milk. Fresh milk contains many nutrients such as proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals will help healthy skin, against the bad actors from outside. After washing the face, you use fresh milk without sugar and spread on your face, massage the face until dry milk and then rinse with warm water. If the day is done so the facial skin to a natural white. Here are recipes for beautiful skin with milk effect that you should not ignore. In particular, you can also mix milk with mashed potatoes, facial mask 3 times a week is also very good.

Papaya. This fruit contains many vitamins suitable for a beautiful skin. Papain- a detergent containing extremely good light so you can lighten facial and body skin whitening by papaya. The enzymes in this fruit is also known to be capable of treating skin sunburn or darken due to other causes. If you regularly use this mask, you will get a beautiful skin and no signs of aging. Use pureed papaya by it with a spoonful of almond oil, then apply on face for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Honey. It can be used to make a best face mask of homemade face masks. Honey is extremely good ingredients to create a mask whitening effect. Masks Honey Papaya: Papaya puree, mixed with two tablespoons of honey, apply it to the skin, for 15-20 minutes and rinse with cold water. Honey, lemon, tomatoes are effective whitener, so mixing these materials together, you will have a whitening mask is very effective. Should do once a week to get results like that.

Try this best face mask

More and more women want to apply the method of facial beauty derived from nature. And increasingly generate more protective masks facial skin with natural ingredients can do at home. One of the familiar mask and works well as a mask with oatmeal. Many people who use this type of  the best face mask has been effective and encouraging.

The effectiveness of oatmeal mask will depend on the composition of capital under the skin of people available. Therefore you should not expect a result to the super speed that your skin will be improved gradually but will be healthy and beautiful in the most natural way.

Many women use oatmeal mask because it brings so many benefits. It purifies the skin. If you are tired of the busy day, exposure to sunlight, extreme weather, things can impact your skin is not healthy. Oatmeal has been shown to be effective measures to clean and smooth the skin.

And it is important to incorporate all the ingredients with the appropriate formula. One of the recipes for the oatmeal mask is best oatmeal mixed with raw eggs. Many people like to combine them with olive oil for better results. This natural mask will keep your skin moist and make it look smoother. If your skin is oily, then mix in the lemon juice to the mixture.

If you use this mask every day, it can make your skin healthy and smooth. However, you need to combine the method with other natural skin care to achieve the highest efficiency.
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