Do you wonder about how to lose weight easily? What you put onto your plate is important for weight loss. There are some foods that can help you lose weight easily. Add these 7 foods to your grocery list and feel the result.
Hummus. It is packed with protein and satiating fiber. A study found that people who regularly eat this chickpea dip have about eight percent smaller waistlines than those who don't.
Chocolate. You may think that's a joke. But in one study published in the journal Nutrition, higher chocolate consumption was associated with low abdominal fat. The antioxidants in dark chocolate may help increase your metabolism.
Oat Bran. You can eat oat bran in your breakfast, it can help curb your hunger. The fiber in oat bran plays a major role like with hummus.
Tea. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition show that the caffeine and catechins in this drink may help your body oxidize fat faster
Prunes. Researchers from the University of Liverpool presented a study that found people who ate a handful of the fruit daily lost weight faster than people who didn't. And the reason is fiber!
Avocado. The fiber, potassium, and healthy fats in the green stuff may curb your cravings. Pack yourself half an avocado as part of your lunch, you will feel full until dinner.
Peanuts or Peanut Butter. A study found that adding either of these to your breakfast will help you keep your cravings up to 12 hours. People who ate peanut and peanut butter in the experiment had higher levels of the hormone peptide YY which makes you feel full after eating. Two tablespoons of peanut butter or an ounce of peanuts with your breakfast can help you keep weight.