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Snakehead fish cooked braised

Northern snakehead is in the South called snakehead, it is a fish that everybody loves to eat meat for a delicious taste very attractive, very rich in vitamins and minerals, plus it less bone and fat . In addition, raw foods from fish are also used in the world because it is a food rich in nutrients, antioxidant help. Foods rich in protein from fish, benign and help increase the body's resistance.

Braised Fish is a food processing so easy anyone can do it. But to make a pot of braised fish that have been fully appetite nutrients it needs to have its own technique. Especially in selecting the material also requires a sophisticated and a bit of attention. As told by a chef at the famous restaurant, the selection will be based on knowledge of fish and cooking of each person, but often choose fish about 400-500g result is a medium to do Braised delicious fish dishes in style.

In the first step of fish they cleaned by scraping off the scales of fish and throw away all the fish intestine. It can be cut into pieces and leave to cook warehouse, depending on how the housewife. Then fish marinated with spices such as fish sauce, seasoning powder, granules, sugar, onions ... then give the pot to cook braised fish. In its little pot should undergo pre-sliced, discharge, crushed peppers and bacon sliced thin. Bacon cooked with fish will add sweetness to the fish, to fish with more of the fat and grease gloss. Bacon is made with dry fish stock, which will have an extremely delicious braised fish.
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